Wayzata World Fact Book 1991
Wayzata World Fact Book - Wayzata Technology (3074) (1991).iso
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Text File
42 lines
Directions for use:
Open the folder "MAC" and double click on the WWFB_91M.CTL icon.
Help is available under the "Apple" Menu.
For more detailed help double click on the _TWDOC.CTL icon.
* You may choose to run from your own hard drive, to do this:
1. copy the folder "MAC" to your hard drive.
2. make sure the CD is in your CD-ROM drive and mounts
on the desktop.
3 The Data starts with an Introduction on Card 1
and has a table of contents on Card 2.
* Image Printing Note: Choose "Black&White" in the print dialog
(Color/Grayscale takes a long time...)
One of the batch files on the root will get you started.
Steps required:
1. You must be in the drive that contains the CD.
(Do this by typing the letter that is the CD drive,
E.G. type "E:"
where E is the letter assigned to the your CD drive.)
2. If you have a VGA or Better Monitor type VGA
This is a batch file that starts TextWare with color images.
3. If you have a Hercules or Monochrome Card type HERC
This is a batch file that starts TextWare with Black and
White images.
4. Hints and tips:
* press the escape key to get past the first screen.
* press F1 for on-line help.
* The Data starts with an Introduction on Card 1
and has a table of contents on Card 2.
(type: "CARD 1" or "CARD 2")
* press the escape key to back out of an operation.
5. For more detailed help type "TWDOC". This batch file will
run TextWare with the on line TextWare Manual.
Wayzata Technology 1-800-735-7321 or (218) 326-0597
FAX (218) 326-0598